Using the Longtion Database Application Builder 4.6 software, you can make database applications and web applications much more simply and more fluently than ahead.
Longtion Database Application Builder 4.6 Overview:
A database Application is a computer program whose primary purpose is to recoup information from a computer database. From then, information can be fitted, modified, or deleted, which is latterly transferred to the database.
Database Application Builder is a tool to produce database Applications without writing any law, and you do not need to be a software inventor to do this.
Using the intuitive intertwined development terrain( IDE) handed by this software, as well as features similar to drag and drop support, quick literacy, and ease of use, you can produce a program to work with the database.
Database Application Builder supports relational database Applications. With this software, you can produce programs to work with the database by which you'll be suitable to produce, reconstruct, and recoup data updates.
And manipulate data from original databases( similar to Paradox, dBASE, FoxPro, and Access) and remote database waiters( similar to Oracle, Sybase, Informix, Microsoft SQL garçon, and DB2). You can pierce a wide variety of database waiters and connect to different databases using ADO or ODBC.
Database Longtion Database Application Builder 4.6s created by Database Application Builder use ActiveX Data Objects( shortened as ADO) to pierce database information through OLEDB.
Features Of Longtion Database Application Builder 4.6
- A tool for erecting database programs without rendering
- Displaying database data with the possibility of editing and adding information
- Furnishing a graphical stoner interface for program development
- Relational database support
- Produce database programs that publish database information
- Assaying and recapitulating information from databases
- Defining tools for creating different reports( simple tape recording reports to more complex reports) and saving reports in the form of PDF(. pdf), RichText( RTF.), Excel( Xls.), and textbook( txt.) lines.
- Creating web operations.
- Support ADO or ODBC to connect to different databases.
- Connecting to original( Paradox, dBASE, FoxPro, and Access) and remote database waiters
- Direct connection to Microsoft Jet OLE database files.
- Produce database tables.
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